sâmbătă, decembrie 31, 2005

Ce sa faceti in caz de … depasire a limitei de viteza !

O femeie este oprita din trafic de un politist:
Politistul: Buna ziua.
Femeia: Buna ziua, ce s-a intamplat?
P: Ati depasit limita de viteza. Permisul dvs., va rog.
F: Vi l-as da, numai ca nu am asa ceva.
P: Nu aveti?!
F: L-am pierdut definitiv pentru conducere repetata in stare de ebrietate.
P: Aha… Imi aratati va rog actele masinii?
F: Nu pot.
P: De ce?
F: Am furat aceasta masina.
P: Ce-ati facut?!
F: Am furat masina si am ucis proprietarul.
P: Poftim?!!!
F: Daca nu ma credeti, cadavrul este in portbagaj… vreti sa il vedeti?
In acest moment politistul se retrage incet spre masina sa si cere ajutoare prin radio. In 5 minute sosesc la fata locului alte 5 masini de politie. Un ofiter superior se apropie de masina femeii cu pistolul pregatit.
Politistul 2: Doamna, va rog sa iesiti din masina!
Femeia iese din automobil.
F: S-a intamplat ceva, domnule?
P2: Unul dintre colegii mei mi-a spus ca ati furat aceasta masina si ca ati ucis proprietarul.
F: Am ucis proprietarul?
P2: Da. Va rog sa deschideti portbagajul.
Femeia deschide portbagajul, care este gol…
P2: Masina este a dvs., doamna?
F: Da. Poftiti actele ei.
Primul politist ramane perplex.
P2: Unul dintre colegii mei sustine ca nu aveti nici permis.
Femeia cauta in poseta, scoate un port-document si-l intinde politistului. Aceste il deschide si studiaza permisul, care este in regula. Tipul deja nu mai stie ce sa creada.
P2: Multumesc, doamna… Vedeti, colegul meu mi-a spus ca nu aveti permis, ca ati furat masina si i-ati ucis proprietarul!
F: Sunt convinsa ca porcul asta mincinos v-a spus si ca mergeam cu viteza!

Morala: Nu va puneti cu femeile.

joi, decembrie 29, 2005

Harry Potter 7, what’s next?

Next Harry Poter book should came out on july 7, 2007, they say. More recently, J.K Rowling said that 2006 might be "the year", but nothing is sure yet. The author has made no formal announcement about the release date yet.
What's Next?
Anyway, things are not looking very well. Harry lost Dumbledore in the 6th book, after losing Sirius Black in the 5th. He seems very weak, unable to save Dumbledore or to stop Snipes, he is about to lose it's mother protection - the one that saved him in the first place - when he turns 17 years, according to the last book. But, I'm sure the final will be great and happy.
I think the question is if Harry will lose Ron or Hermione, or maybe some adults arround him, like the Weasleys. Will Hermione fall in love with Harry? Or will she stay with Ron?

marți, decembrie 20, 2005

Vlog-ul, noul fenomen de pe Internet

Cultura Internet care a produs blog-urile si podcast-urile a adus un nou fenomen: vlogurile. Vloggerii se folosesc de tehnologiile online ieftine pentru a-si transforma locuintele in studiouri de televiziune care emit reality-show-uri sau pur si simplu jurnale video.

Cultura Internet care a produs blog-urile si podcast-urile a adus un nou fenomen: vlogurile. Vloggerii se folosesc de tehnologiile online ieftine pentru a-si transforma locuintele in studiouri de televiziune care emit reality-show-uri sau pur si simplu jurnale video.

Subiectele ?emisiunilor? variaza de la discutii de profunzime asupra sensului universului pana la secvente din viata de zi cu zi. Vlog-urile sunt derivate din mai vechile blog-uri (weblog-uri) ? jurnale postate pe Internet si din echivalentul lor audio ? podcast-urile.

Acest fenomen se poate manifesta gratie noilor generatii de camere ieftine, programelor de editare si conexiunilor broadband la Internet din ce in ce mai raspandite.

Oamenii vor sa vada oameni obisnuiti si s-au cam saturat de continutul sclipitor al programelor de televiziune traditionale?, spune Amanda Congdon, prezentatoarea unui vlog de succes din New York, numit ?Rocketboom?.

Fenomenul ofera o idee despre viitoarea convergenta a Internetului si a televiziunii. Unii vloggeri au realizat adevaratul potential al acestui mediu de comunicare dupa tsumani-ul care a lovit Asia in luna decembrie a anului trecut, cand imaginile filmate de amatori, in general turisti, au fost difuzate de televiziuni si au fost postate pe web.

Vloggerii si-au avut momentul de glorie in urma tsunami-ului, cand BBC si alte televiziuni consacrate si-au deschis site-urile web catre ei?, a declarat Lee Rainie, de la Pew Internet and American Life Project din Washington.

Imaginile video realizate de amatori au fost de asemenea prezentate intensiv pe canalele clasice dupa ce uraganul Katrina a lovit coastele Statelor Unite la 29 august.

Nu exista inca estimari suficient de precise despre numarul vloggerilor, dar fenomenul are cea mai mare amploare in Statele Unite, Canada, Europa de Vest si Australia.

Lucian Bitai

Sursa: Chip

Noul G-Klasse este GL

MERCEDES. Constructorul german va scoate la vanzare anul viitor, in septembrie, noua sa piesa de rezistenta in segmentul SUV-urilor de lux: GL-Klasse, inlocuitorul celebrului G-Klasse. Modelul va dispune de o mare parte de tehnologia utilizata deja pe limuzina S-Klasse, plus un inteligent sistem de tractare. Varful de gama va fi dotat cu un motor de exceptie: V8, 5,5 litri si 388 de cai putere. Transmisia va fi asigurata de o cutie cu sapte rapoarte.

MERCEDES. Constructorul german va scoate la vanzare anul viitor, in septembrie, noua sa piesa de rezistenta in segmentul SUV-urilor de lux: GL-Klasse, inlocuitorul celebrului G-Klasse. Modelul va dispune de o mare parte de tehnologia utilizata deja pe limuzina S-Klasse, plus un inteligent sistem de tractare. Varful de gama va fi dotat cu un motor de exceptie: V8, 5,5 litri si 388 de cai putere. Transmisia va fi asigurata de o cutie cu sapte rapoarte.

Sursa: Evenimentul Zilei

Curs online de branding personal.

Se spune ca fiecare din noi este unic, la fel cu toti ceilalti. Te-ai gandit vreodata ca pentru cei din jur esti un brand? Exista multe definitii ale acestui concept, insa una dintre cele mai simple si clare e urmatoarea: Un brand este o colectie de perceptii in mintea consumatorului. Cu alte cuvinte, brandul tau inseamna ceea ce cred ceilalti despre tine. Daca, de exemplu, prietenii tai te considera o persoana mereu vesela si intotdeauna gata de distractie, acesta e brandul tau personal.

Daca seful tau e de parere ca esti o persoana foarte muncitoare si serioasa, dar lipsita de creativitate, acesta e brandul tau profesional. Si tine minte ca intotdeauna valorea ta "pe piata" este data de acest brand! Si, intr-o piata extrem de competitiva ca aceea a locurilor de munca, este important sa fii considerata un brand valoros. De aceea, in urmatoarele 4 luni ne-am propus sa te invatam sa iti construiesti si sa comunici un brand care sa te ajute sa avansezi pe plan profesional si, de ce nu, si personal. Poti controla impresia pe care o lasi celorlalti! Vei invata sa stapanesti si sa aplici tehnici de marketing pe care marile companii le folosesc de ani intregi si care iti vor fi si tie extrem de utile. Vei invata sa iti pui calitatile in valoare si sa te "vinzi" pe un salariu cat mai bun la interviul de angajare.

"A brand is a collection of perceptions in the mind of the consumer."

Sursa: www.121.ro/unbt

sâmbătă, decembrie 17, 2005

Blogurile devin unelte de marketing

Jurnalele personale online (blogs) nu au influentat doar alegerile din Statele Unite din 2004, ci au devenit un factor influent in privinta optiunilor de achizitie ale publicului. Pe scurt, oamenii prefera sa consulte site-urile de blog cand vor sa cumpere ceva, deoarece considera ca opiniile exprimate astfel sunt mai corecte.
Aceasta afirmatie poate fi discutabila, insa este cert ca in urma valului de achizitii de pe piata blogurilor din SUA, tot mai multe site-uri de jurnale vor fi acuzate ca simpatizeaza cu sponsorii sau patronii lor. Pe de alta parte, mai multi bani inseamna ca site-urile de blog vor putea atrage audiente mai mari. Ceea ce inseamna ca vor putea influenta tot mai multi oameni. Si pentru ca in fiecare luna apar noi si noi utilizatori de Internet, cercul se inchide.

Dacia Logan, la vanzare pe eBay

Constructorul francez de automobile, Renault, a pus la vinzare pe site-ul de licitatii eBay zece autoturisme Logan. Conform oficialilor companiei, aceasta mutare este una menita sa atraga atentia asupra companiei si a produsului. Pina acum s-au vindut patru masini, scrie The Wall Street Journal Europe.Constructorul francez de automobile, Renault, a pus la vinzare pe site-ul de licitatii eBay zece autoturisme Logan. Conform oficialilor companiei, aceasta mutare este una menita sa atraga atentia asupra companiei si a produsului. Pina acum s-au vindut patru masini, scrie The Wall Street Journal Europe.
Dacia Logan
Cele zece automobile au fost puse pe site-ul de licitatii online, insa nu au fost scoase la licitatie. Asta deoarece ele se vind la un pret fix. Acest pret variaza intre 8.150 si 9.800 de euro, in functie de motorizare si versiunea de echipare.
Un purtator de cuvint al Renault din Franta a declarat pentru "Wall Street Journal Europe" ca a fost o operatiune "punctuala", si nu a putut spune daca ea va mai fi repetata. Totul a fost coordonat de societatea care a vindut o treime din cele 550.000 de autovehicule Renault inmatriculate anul trecut in Franta.

Sursa: HotNews.ro

vineri, decembrie 16, 2005

Draga Domule Primar

Cei de la HotNews.ro s-au gandit sa le dea de lucru primarilor din Romania asa ca au lansat pe web-ul nostru mioritic saitul DomnulePrimar.ro. Site-ul se vrea o cale de comunicare directa intre cetatenii oricarei localitati din Romania si primarul respectiv… sau cel putin un angajat al acestuia care "se da" pe WWW. Cu toate ca a fost lansat ieri, deja au inceput sa apara mesaje din partea vizitatorilor, mai exact 181 sesizari, ceea ce nu e chiar surprinzator avand in vedere cate probleme au urbele noastre. Din 181 sesizari 4 au primit raspuns, remarcand ca primaria din Azuga a raspuns deja la toate sesizarile primite (cu promisiuni binentzeles) asha ca n-avem decat sa-l felcitam pe primarul orasului Azuga. Un primar care lucreaza in week-end? Asa da! :)
Functionalitatea site-ului este ok, dar nimic specatculos. O data accesat iti poti da seama destul de repede ce trebuie facut pentru a trimite o sesizare scrisa, la care poti atasa deasemnea si maxim 3 fotografii (de maine ma apuc sa fac poze la gropile din carosabil si la trotuarele cariate). In coloana din stanga sunt cateva link-uri (drepturile cetateanului si chestii de gen) printre care si un link la un director web care nu prea ma prind ce cauta in peisaj, mai apar un top al raspunsurilor date de primari (Azuga cu 100% conduce evident) si o statistica a mesajelor pozitive si negative. Spre surpinderea mea Ploiesti, orasul in care locuiesc, conduce in topul statisticilor pozitive cu 4 mesaje si chiar sunt curios sa le citesc.
Ok, in cele din urma sa zic si 2 vorbe despre design, caci mai multe nu ar fi. Se pare ca layout-ul site-ului vrea sa imite un clipboard, defapt singurul element care ma face sa cred asta e mecanismul de prindere al foilor din header. Sa zicem ca pot sa trec cu vederea clipboard-ul, dar despre logo, daca il pot numi asha, chiar nu ma pot abtine sa nu comentez. O palarie verde si lucioasa si un papion la fel de verde si lucios? Oare ce-or vrea sa comunice, ca primarii sunt niste clovni? Daca cineva isi da seama care-i treaba cu "sigla" sa comenteze la acest articol va rog. Ce am mai observat e ca cei care au lucrat la acest portal nici nu s-au sinchisit sa-l testeze si in alt browser decat Internet Explorer, caci in Firefox arata ca un site facut pur si simplu in graba.
Cam atat cu criticile. In concluzie initiativa este laudabila (jos palaria… aia verde si lucioasa), realizarea nu chiar la fel de laudabila, acum ramane de vazut daca promisunile facute de primari pe site nu vor ramne doar in lumea virtuala.

joi, decembrie 15, 2005

BitDefender: Zafi ia primul loc pe 2005

BitDefender: Zafi ia primul loc pe 2005
Peste 75.000 de virusi informatici au fost lansati in anul 2005, de circa 3 ori mai multi decat in 2004. BitDefender a realizat topul amenintarilor informatice cu care au avut de-a face romanii in anul care tocmai s-a incheiat.


Nume virus. . . . . . .Procent infectări %
Win32.Zafi.D@mm . . . . . . .15.42
Win32.Netsky.P@mm . . . . . 12.49
Win32.Zafi.B@mm . . . . . . . .8.83
Win32.Lovgate.V@mm . . . . . .8.75
Win32.Antiman.A@mm . . . . . 6.28
Win32.Sober.AD@mm . . . . . 4.26
Win32.Worm.Mytob.BI . . . . . 3.97
Win32.NetSky.D@mm . . . . . .2.56
Win32.Worm.Mytob.C . . . . . .2.34
Win32.Netsky.AA@mm . . . . .2.22
Altii . . . . . . 32.88

marți, decembrie 13, 2005

101 things that the Mozilla browser can do that IE cannot.

Other Languages: Spanish French Italian German Polish Brazilian Portugese Russian Chinese Korean Japanese

The following lists 101 things that one can do with the Mozilla browser component (version 1.2) that one cannot do with IE (version 6.0). I used the Windows version of IE 6.0; the list will vary slightly for the Mac version.

Some notes about how items were selected for this list:

  • The list only considers features provided in the download of IE provided directly from Microsoft. It does not include things that could be done via additional software or add-ons. If I had included such things, I would, in order to ensure an equal comparison, need to include the add-ons available for Mozilla in the list also. Since this would cause the list to grow infintely large, no such items are considered for either browser.
  • On the same note, I do not include things that can be done by changing registry keys or manually modifying configuration files. IE does indeed have some features that are only enabled by modifying registry keys. Mozilla has many hidden settings as well. This list includes neither.

This list compares IE 6.0 and Mozilla 1.2

Note also that this is a not supposed to be a list of advantages of one browser over another. It is a list of features of Mozilla not found in IE. You may feel that some of the items in the list are disadvantages.

Now that is over with, on with the list!

  1. Tabbed browsing

    Lets you display more than one site in a window using multiple tabs. You can open a new tab by selecting Navigator Tab from the New submenu of the File menu (or press Ctrl+T). You can also open a link in a new tab by using the right-click menu. You will find configuration options in the Tabbed Browsing preferences panel.

    Note that CrazyBrowser is a different product than IE.

  2. Popup blocking

    Block all those popup ads. To disable popup windows, select Advanced and then Scripts & Plugins from the Preferences window. Then uncheck the box that reads "Open unrequested windows".

  3. Prevent scripts from doing various things

    You can prevent scripts from moving windows, closing them, changing the status bar and setting cookies. To change these settings, select Advanced and then Scripts & Plugins from the Preferences window. Then uncheck the desired boxes.

  4. Site Navigation toolbar

    Displays content from the <link> tags provided by a document, allowing one to navigate to various parts of a site.

  5. Sidebar

    The sidebar provides a number of tabs by default, and others can be added by the user.

  6. Can add custom panels to sidebar

    Custom sidebars can be implemented in HTML or XUL and can be installed from a remote site without much hassle. Sites can add sidebars using the window.sidebar.addPanel() function.

  7. More control over text zooming

    Can zoom text to any size. IE only supports five sizes and has no keyboard shortcut that I could determine. For sites that use fairly small fonts, having more larger sizes in necessary for those without perfect vision.

    Note that using the mouse isn't a keyboard shortcut.

  8. Can zoom any text, even that with fixed pixel sizes

    Can zoom text no matter what units were specified, an often cited issue with IE.

  9. Can select from multiple stylesheets provided by page

    When a page provides multiple (or alternate) stylesheets, one can select between them by choosing from the Use Style sub-menu in the View menu.

  10. Page info dialog

    Provides additional information about encoding, MIME type, referrer and meta tags. Some of this information is also available in IE's properties dialog although it isn't as detailed and the window isn't resizable.

  11. Detailed form/link/media info dialog

    The page info dialog provides tabs which have lists of the form elements, links, images and other media in a page. You can even preview images and save them from this window.

  12. Save plugins

    Mozilla saves plugins when saving a Web page as complete. You can also save them from the Page Info window.

  13. Themes

    Provides two themes by default (Classic and Modern), but others may be installed.

    There is a theming system that is part of Windows XP, however this isn't supported by Microsoft. It also isn't part of any other version of Windows. Mozilla's themes work on all versions of Windows and on all platforms; you can change your theme by selecting Apply Theme from the View menu.

  14. Bookmark window displays more detail

    Displays more information about the bookmark in the bookmark window. IE's favorites dialog is a bit awkward and is modal, which means you can't interact with the browser window while it is open. You also cannot add bookmarks from the window.

  15. Bookmark keywords

    Keywords to look up bookmarks quickly. Keywords have the advantage that the part entered after the keyword is filled in where '%s' appears in the bookmarks's URL.

  16. Bookmarks can be checked at a certain schedule

    One can set bookmarks to be checked at various schedules and notify when the content has changed. At least, in theory. IE has something like this, which is intended for synchronizing content for offline viewing. It can only check once per day, and provides no notification that the page has changed other than changing the icon or sending an email. Mozilla can check updates on certain days only and at any interval.

  17. Cookie Manager

    The cookie manager lets you view the cookies that have been set, their values and their expiry times.

    Some people have mentioned that one can view Cookies by pressing a View Files button in the Options, but that just provides a list of all cached files. While the list does include cookies, hidden amongst the other files, it isn't tailored to cookies (it is just a generic file listing), so one cannot really view the data or expiry times easily.

  18. Can delete cookies individually

    The cookie manager lets you delete individual cookies without having to search around your file system. In IE's file view, it's tricky to distinguish cookies from similar domains, and all cookies from the same domain are stored in the same file.

  19. Block images from third party sites

    One can block images that come from a third party domain. This means that you can block images found on a page that come from a site other than that of the page. To set this in Mozilla, open Privacy & Security from the Preferences Window, and then select the Images panel. Choose "Accept images that come from the originating server only".

  20. Can block images from certain sites

    Images can be blocked from particular domains, such as those that commonly display ads. You can disable an image from a site by right-clicking on an image, and then selecting "Block images from this Server". You can change the list of blocked images from the Image Manager, opened from the Tools menu.

  21. Download Manager

    The download manager provides a tabular view of all of the files that you have ever downloaded, allowing you to open them without having to search around on your file system. It provides progress indicators in the window as items download.

    On the topic of downloading files, IE does not begin to download a file until you have selected where to save it to, while Mozilla begins as soon as the link is clicked, downloading in the background while you are selecting a place to save it.

  22. Can pause downloads

    In Mozilla, one cause pause downloads. Some people may find this useful during long downloads.

  23. View Source

    View the syntax coloured source of a page, without having to view it in Notepad.

    Some people have mentioned that one can edit the page using Notepad (or at least a copy of it). True, but that's what Edit in the File menu is for. Some people like a simple source viewer for viewing content.

  24. JavaScript Console

    The console displays a log of errors that you can easily scroll through, or ignore if so desired.

  25. JavaScript Console displays script warnings

    The console separates warnings and errors. The warnings allow you to see obsolete script usage and so forth.

  26. JavaScript Debugger

    This is a utility for debugging JavaScript.

  27. DOM Inspector

    View the structure of a document using a nifty tree view. Also lets you view script properties and style applied to each element. You can open it from the Tools -> Web Development men.

  28. DOM Inspector image capture

    The DOM Inspector has a tool to capture an image of part of a page, although it doesn't seem to work all too well.

  29. Select text and perform search

    Select some text, bring up the context menu, and choose 'Search' to search for the selected text.

  30. Can select custom search engine

    You can select any search engine you wish, not just one that has been chosen for you.

  31. Can display search results in sidebar

    When one does a search via a search engine, results are automatically interpreted and displayed in the sidebar. You can then view pages without hiding the search results.

  32. Supports any Sherlock search plugin

    Supports the Macintosh Sherlock search format, so any search engine that supports it can be used.

  33. Can manage saved passwords

    Lets you view and delete stored login and passwords. Choose the Password Manager from the Tools menu.

  34. Can fill-in complete forms automatically

    Stores complete forms which can be later be filled in automatically. This is useful if you want to register for something 600 times. To fill in a form, choose Fill In Form from the Edit menu.

  35. Master password encrypts info

    A single master password can be used to protect all of your other passwords.

  36. Can disable tooltips

    Not very exciting, but useful if someone thinks they get in the way.

  37. Caret Browsing

    Press F7 and a cursor appears on the page. This can be used to navigate a page and select text using only the keyboard.

    Some people thought this was this the same as setting contenteditable="true" on an element. While that does show a cursor in IE, it actually allows the content to be edited, and disables all links and mouse events with-in the content. Caret browsing in Mozilla is designed to allow one to browse, navigate links and select text using only the keyboard.

  38. Type Ahead Find

    Press a few keys to search for links with that text. More information

  39. View Selection Source

    Select some text, bring up the context menu, and choose 'View Selection Source' to view the source just for the selected content. This can also be used to view the generated source after an XSLT transformation.

  40. Properties dialog lets you see info about various tags

    Right click on certain links and images and so on, and view info about them, such as language and whether links will open in a new window. The window can also be resized.

  41. View scripts and stylesheets directly

    Mozilla can display scripts and stylesheets directly as plain text without a separate application which is useful if you just want a quick peek at something.

  42. More font options

    One has more control over the fonts used, including customizing the various CSS fonts. To change this, select Appearance and then Fonts from the Preferences window.

  43. Can set minimum font sizes

    Can set the minimum font size that text is displayed in which is useful on some sites. To change this, select Appearance and then Fonts from the Preferences window.

  44. Mouse wheel options

    Pressing Alt and scrolling the wheel will navigate back and forward in the browser history. One can also configure the wheel for other modifier keys for scrolling and changing the font size.

  45. Multiple profiles

    Can handle multiple profiles so you can use one for testing, or share them between multiple persons. You can do something like this in Windows with multiple user accounts, although it affects all applications.

  46. May be installed quickly and anywhere

    Mozilla may be installed on any drive and at any location. It may installed on a network drive and run directly from there. In fact, it really doesn't have to be installed at all.

  47. Can be easily uninstalled

    One can uninstall in the same manner as one does with other applications.

  48. May have multiple versions installed at once

    One can have as many different versions of Mozilla installed at once which is useful if you need to test on various versions.

  49. Cross-platform

    Mozilla is available for a number of different platforms. (8 to 12 depending on the exact version). It has the same the same features on all of them. IE only runs on Windows and Mac and supports quite a different set of features on each. Limited versions of IE for Unix platforms were available at one time, but are no longer available.

  50. XUL

    The XML User Interface Language is used to create complex user interfaces using markup.

  51. XBL

    The eXtensible Bindings Language is used to create custom widgets or elements and bind them to other XUL, XML or HTML elements.

  52. RDF

    Mozilla can read and manipulate Resource Description Framework files.

  53. MathML

    MathML is a markup language for displaying math equations.

  54. XPCOM

    Native interface accessible via C++ or JavaScript which lets you perform various Mozilla functions.

  55. Properly handles MIME types

    Properly displays content using the content type supplied by the server instead of various other incorrect things. You can learn more information about this.

  56. Supports documents sent as application/xhtml+xml (XHTML)

    The debate is still on whether this content type should be used for XHTML, but Mozilla supports it. Mozilla also supports XHTML sent as text/xml.

  57. Can render XML documents with styling

    Can render XML documents with associated style sheets. IE must convert the documents into HTML before displaying them.

  58. Link Prefetching

    Mozilla allows one to set documents or images to prefetch in the background. They are loaded after the document has finished loading so as to not affect performance. Usually, this would be used for the next page in a sequence.

    More information

  59. Displays ABBR/ACRONYM underlined and with titles in tooltips

    Content in these tags are displayed with an underline and the titles of various elements are displayed in a tooltip. (IE does display tooltips for acronyms though).

  60. Supports blinking text

    You can make text blink. This list isn't subjective. Of course the <blink> tag is supported, but you can also use the CSS 'text-decoration: blink'

  61. CSS min/max-width/height

    Set minimum or maximum sizes on content to constrain it. For more information see the CSS specification for min/max-width and min/max-height.

  62. CSS position:fixed

    This feature allows content to be fixed to a particular part of the window. If the user scrolls the document, the content stays where it is.

    For an example of this, go to the W3C's CSS page, and watch the menu in the upper right corner as you scroll the document.

  63. CSS display:table and related display types

    Allowing one to create custom table element.

  64. CSS generated content

    Generated content refers to :before, :after, the content property and so on.

  65. CSS2 selectors

    Select elements for styling based on attribute values among other things.

  66. Supports a handful of CSS3 selectors

    Matching on attribute substrings, selected text and so on.

  67. Supports some extension CSS properties

    user-focus,user-select,border-radius, and many more. Mostly used in themes, but they can also be used by Web pages as well if you really need to.

  68. XML Base

    For specifying the base of an XML document. I really don't know if this is supported in other browsers.

  69. FixPtr support

    FixPtr is for referring to parts of XML documents.

  70. Simple XLink support

    This is used for links in XML documents.

  71. XML-RPC

    Simple API for doing XML-RPC.

  72. Built-in SOAP API

    Fairly extensive set of SOAP functions are available without any extra libraries needed.

  73. PNG alpha transparency

    For viewing partially transparent images. See a demo.

  74. MNG image support

    MNG is an animated image format, usually used for animated PNG images.

  75. Supports 'favicons' in any image format

    Supports any image format that Mozilla supports (GIF,JPEG,PNG,MNG,XBM,BMP,ICO). You can even make them animated if you're insane. IE only supports the BMP and ICO format.

  76. Display icons in tabs and address bar

    Displays site icons in the tabs and in the address bar.

  77. Available for more languages/locales

    Mozilla is available for many different languages, including ones you've never heard of before. IE 6.0 is currently available for 24 languages. Mozilla 1.1 or later is available for 29. Mozilla 1.0 or later is available for over 40 languages.

  78. Support for standard event handling

    Supports the standard capturing/bubbling event model.

  79. Support for additional DOM0/DOM1/Core features

    Supports almost all of DOM0 and DOM1.

  80. DOM2 namespace handling

    Supports the various DOM methods that deal with namespaces.

  81. DOM2 Style interfaces

    Supports most of the standard DOM style interfaces.

  82. DOM2 TreeWalker interface

    The TreeWalker interface is used to navigate through a document.

  83. DOM2 Range interface

    Supports the Range interface for grabbing blocks of content.

  84. DOM3 XPath interface

    Supports retrieving elements using XPath expressions in HTML/XML/XUL documents using the DOM3 XPath interface.

  85. Can set size of printed output

    This may vary based on your printer, but one can scale the printed document or fit it to the page. Useful for those sites that are just a bit too large.

  86. Can bookmark groups of pages (in tabs)

    You can bookmark a set of pages and them open them all at once in multiple tabs. To do this, choose Bookmark This Group of Tabs from the Bookmarks menu.

  87. Can set multiple pages as a home page.

    You can set a group as your home page, so multiple pages appear when you start Mozilla. To set this, open the pages you wish in tabs, and then choose Use Current Group in the Navigator preferences panel.

  88. Can search bookmarks

    You can search bookmarks without having to search through your file system.

  89. Easily create and add custom components

    XPInstall can be used to easily install custom components, using an install script written in JavaScript. No special tool is required except a ZIP utility.

  90. Supports finger protocol

    Can use the finger protocol. This has been disabled in newer versions of Mozilla.

  91. Supports data: URLs

    data URLs can be used to embed data in a URL.

  92. HTTP Pipelining

    Allows for better performance when viewing pages.

  93. Supports JavaScript getters/setters

    For adding custom properties to objects that invoke code when retreived or modified. For an example, see the IEEmu which implements some of the non-standard properties of IE.

  94. JavaScript supports strict error checking

    Which means displaying errors for things you didn't think were errors. (Think Perl's strict mode.

  95. Easily accessible preferences file

    Preferences are all stored in a single file (prefs.js) which one can easily edit to add custom settings which have no UI.

  96. Preferences can be moved around easily

    One can easily copy preferences, bookmarks and other settings to another system as they are all stored in a single directory.

  97. Various security related features

    Surely you knew Mozilla had better security features.

  98. Supports the jar protocol

    Supports the jar: protocol for referring to HTML pages or images inside JAR or ZIP files. This might be used to compress a downloaded site.

  99. Open Source

    So keen developers can always find out exactly why Mozilla behaves the way it does, or change it if they so desire.

  100. Bugzilla

    This is Mozilla's bug tracking system, where you can find information about problems you encounter and can help get them fixed.

  101. Giant lizards are cool

    Much more exciting than a blue e.

Discuss on forum

10 Things We Learned About Blogs

Blogging Can Get You Fired
When Delta flight attendant Ellen Simonetti, 30-a leggy blond and self-styled "queen of the sky"-began her blog, she thought it would be fun to post pinup snapshots of herself in uniform. Delta wasn't amused and promptly fired her. Undaunted, Simonetti retitled the blog Diary of a Fired Flight.

GO TO: queenofsky.journalspace.com

Bloggers Get Scoops Too
After book editor Russ Kick read that the U.S. military was clamping down on press photos of coffins coming back from Iraq, he didn't just pen an angry rant on his blog, the Memory Hole. He filed a Freedom of Information Act request-and embarrassingly for the Pentagon, was mailed a CD from the Air Force with 361 coffin snaps, which he promptly posted. The national press, which hadn't thought to ask whether the military had pictures, beat a path to Kick's door.

GO TO: thememoryhole.org

Bloggers Keep News Alive
So your blog hasn't succeeded in getting national attention for your pet issue? Don't lose heart. Just blog, link and repeat. It worked for conservative bloggers like Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit, who trumpeted the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth's claims this summer, as well as for liberal blogs like Daily Kos, which investigated evidence that President Bush wore a wire in his first debate. Some of the issues had questionable merit, but persistent bloggers made the subjects tough to ignore. Say it enough times online, and someone is bound to hear you.

GO TO: Instapundit.com, dailykos.com

Bloggers Can Be Titillating
In May a blog graphically detailing the sex life of an anonymous Capitol Hill staff member prompted D.C.'s most intriguing game of guess-the-author since Primary Colors. Jessica Cutler, a.k.a. Washingtonienne, was later outed and fired by her boss, Ohio Republican Mike DeWine, for "inappropriate use of Senate computers." (Her site is not for kids.) In another sign of the times, her first postfiring interview was with Wonkette, another Washington blogger.

GO TO: washingtoniennearchive.blogspot.com, wonkette.com

Bloggers Can Be Fakers
Plain Layne, a highly personal blog supposedly belonging to a Minnesota lesbian named Layne Johnson that drew thousands of fans over 3 1/2 years before mysteriously disappearing, was revealed to be a hoax. Hundreds of fans helped track down the real author, Odin Soli, 35, a male entrepreneur from Woodbury, Minn. Later in the year, fake Bill Clinton and Andy Kaufman blogs became hits.

GO TO: plainlayne.dreamhost.com, billclintondailydiary.blogspot.com

Bloggers Make Money
Earn a living in your pajamas! Online ads (along with Google's automated ad server) allow popular bloggers to go pro. Joshua Micah Marshall of talkingpointsmemo.com, a political blog, says he makes $5,000 a month from banner ads-enough to hire a research assistant.

GO TO: talkingpointsmemo.com

Most Bloggers Are Women
Men may have taken the lead in the early (read: geeky) days of blogging, but that's not the case now. According to a survey of more than 4 million blogs by Perseus Development, 56% were created by women. More bad news for the boys: men are more likely than women to abandon their blog once it's created. Call blogging a 21st century room of one's own.

GO TO: blogsisters.blogspot.com

Candidates Love Blogs
O.K., so Howard Dean never wrote his blog. But his campaign workers posted a surprisingly intimate online diary of life on the road, and Dean had collected $20 million in contributions via the Internet alone by the end of January 2004. It didn't take long for other politicos to catch on. When New York attorney general Eliot Spitzer announced that he was running for Governor this month, he did so on his blog.

GO TO: blog.deanforamerica.com, spitzer2006.com

Pets Have Blogs Too
It started as an in-joke among feline-friendly bloggers: why not post pictures of their cats every Friday afternoon? Friday catblogging became a hit, and soon even NASA was playing along by posting pictures of the Cat's Eye nebula.

GO TO: carnivalofthecats.com

Anyone Can Do It
Blogs wouldn't be such a democratic medium if they weren't so easy to set up. The most popular service, Blogger, owned by Google, boasts features like push-button photoblogging. Microsoft has launched a trial version of its own blogging service.

GO TO: blogger.com, spaces.msn.com

Copyright © 2004 Time Inc. All rights reserved

Antibiotice Iaşi - un nou brand

Grapefruit a condus procesul în urma căruia Antibiotice, unul dintre cei mai mari producători români de medicamente, a adoptatun nou brand cu ocazia jubileului companiei.
Comunicat de presă (pdf)

Faxul merge pe e-mail

e-fax.roS-a lansat e-fax, singurul serviciu din Romania care va permite sa trimiteti si sa primiti fax folosind contul de e-mail. Un fax primit prin e-fax va aparea in casuta de e-mail a clientului ca un e-mail de la adresa numar_expeditor@fax.e-fax.ro avand ca atasament un fisier in format PDF sau TIF.

Trimiterea de faxuri prin e-fax nu este cu nimc mai complicata decat trimiterea unui e-mail: in campul Catre: (To:) se va scrie adresa la care faxul va fi primit sub forma numar_destinatar@fax.e-fax.ro atasand e-mailului fisierul de tip PDF sau TIF.
Mai multe detalii pe www.e-fax.ro

luni, decembrie 12, 2005

Intel, sponsor oficial al echipei de Formula 1 BMW Sauber

Intel, cel mai mare producator de cipuri la nivel mondial, si BMW Group au anuntat astazi incheierea unui parteneriat complet, ce cuprinde suport tehnologic, campanii comune de marketing si sponsorizarea de catre Intel a echipei de Formula 1, BMW Sauber.
Intel sponsorizeaza BMW pentru Formula 1
In cadrul acestui acord încheiat pe mai multi ani si al unui parteneriat tehnologic pe termen lung, Intel va sustine BMW in standardizarea infrastructurii IT la nivel mondial in centrele de date ale BMW Group si va furniza solutii inovatoare de IT pentru mai bine de 3 000 dealeri din intreaga lume.
Pentru a sustine mobilitatea tot mai pronuntata a personalului sau,
BMW Group va lucra pe notebook-uri echipate cu Tehnologia Mobila Intel Centrino la nivel de corporatie si va creste semnificativ utilizarea PDA-urilor bazate pe tehnologii Intel in cadrul companiei.

duminică, decembrie 11, 2005

TOP 10 companii care au investit cel mai mult in cercetare si dezvoltare

Daimler-Chrysler, Pfizer si Ford Motor sunt clasate pe primele trei locuri intr-un top mondial format din 1400 de companii care au investit cei mai multi bani in cercetare si dezvoltare (R&D) in anul 2004, potrivit datelor furnizate vineri de Comisia Europeana.

Sectorul farmaceuticelor si al biotehnologiei a fost cel mai dinamic domeniu de activitate in 2004, din punctul de vedere al investitiilor in R&D.

Potrivit rezultatelor furnizate de Comisia Europeana, cele 1400 de companii (700 europene si 700 din afara Europei) au investit 315 miliarde euro, in cercetare si dezvoltare.

In 2004, concernul germano-american, Daimler-Chrysler a investit in cercetare si dezvoltare aproximativ 5,7 miliarde euro, fiind urmat indeaproape de Pfizer si Ford Motor cu investitii de 5,6 miliarde euro si respectiv 5,4 miliarde euro.

Companiile europene au inregistrat rezultate pozitive in 2004. Ca dovada, rata de crestere a investitiilor in R&D facute de companiile europene, care a crescut cu 0,7 procente, comparativ cu anul precedent. Rezultatele mai evidentiaza faptul ca oamenii de afaceri europeni sunt la fel de pregatiti in a investi in R&D ca si vecinii lor din afara granitelor UE.

In acest sens, 45% dintre companiile clasate in topul 700 companii din UE, si-au marit investitiile in R&D cu mai mult de cinci procente, in acest an.

Top 10 companii cu cele mai mari investitii in R&D

1. DaimlerChrysler (Germania) - 5,7 miliarde euro
2. Pfizer (SUA) - 5,6 miliarde euro
3. Ford Motor (SUA) - 5,44 miliarde euro
4. Toyota Motor (Japonia) - 5,42 miliarde euro
5. Siemens (Germania) - 5,06 miliarde euro
6. General Motors (SUA) - 4,7 miliarde euro
7. Microsoft (SUA) - 4,5 miliarde euro
8. Matsushita Electric (Japonia) - 4,4 miliarde euro
9. IBM (SUA) - 4,167 miliarde euro
10. Volkswagen (Germania) - 4,164 miliarde euro

Din cele 315 miliarde euro, investitii facute de toate cele 1400 companii analizate de Comisia Europeana, companiile europene au investit 102,2 miliarde euro. Suma totala investita in cercetare si dezvoltare (315 miliarde euro) reprezinta potrivit estimarilor, 53% din volumul mondial al investitiilor facute in R&D.

Desi rezultatele din acest an sunt imbucuratoare atat pentru companiile europene cat si pentru companiile din afara granitelor UE, distanta dintre cele doua tabere este in continuare mare. In aceasta privinta, este de ajuns de notat ca in timp ce investitiile europene au crescut cu doar 0,7 procente, volumul investitiilor facute de companiile rivale a crescut cu aproximativ sapte procente.

O posibila explicatie a acestui fapt poate fi aceea ca majoritatea companiilor europene activeaza in domenii care din punctul de vedere al investitiilor

Sursa: HotNews.ro

vineri, decembrie 09, 2005

Cum sa alegem cel mai bun DVD player

In urma cu 15 ani, fericitii posesori ai unui video player erau priviti cu invidie de ceilalti "muritori de rand". Tehnologia a avansat, iar "batranele" video playere au fost detronate de noua generatie digitala a DVD-urilor, care ofera o calitate superioara a imaginii, iar discurile sunt mult mai usor de utilizat si mult mai ieftine decat clasicele casete video. In plus, spre deosebire de casetele video, DVD-urile sunt mai rezistente la uzare.

Imaginea si sunetul sunt aproape la fel de clare chiar si dupa o mie de vizionari. Optiunea de a cumpara un DVD player presupune insa cunoasterea caracteristicilor importante care trebuie urmarite. Compatibilitatea cu televizorul In primul rand, extrem de important de stiut este daca DVD playerul pe care intentionezi sa-l cumperi este potrivit cu televizorul pe care il ai deja.

Conexiunile composite video (cu mufa RCA de culoare galbena) si S-video sunt disponibile la cele mai multe DVD playere, insa unele dintre ele au si iesiri component-video compatibile cu televizoarele de generatie mai noua. Iesirile component-video separa semnalele de luminozitate, rosu si albastru, rezultand imagini cu un nivel de contrast mai bun si cu o reproducere mai fidela a culorilor. In ceea ce priveste iesirile progressive-scan, acestea sunt conexiuni component-video speciale pentru televizoarele high-definition. Iesirile de tipul digital audio permit conectarea DVD playerului la un receptor audio-video cu procesoare Digital Theater Systems (DTS) si Dolby Digital, care decodeaza track-urile audio digitale ale DVD-ului - inclusiv discuri codate in sunet surround 5.1.

Specialistii recomanda achizitionarea unui player care are atat iesire digitala optica, cat si coaxiala. Formate surround In general, DVD playerele sunt capabile sa redea sunet surround Dolby Digital 5.1. Cu toate ca aproape toate DVD-urile disponibile in prezent pe piata pot reda sunetul in format Dolby Digital, exista din ce in ce mai multe discuri disponibile in DTS (Digital Theater Systems) 5.1, format care utilizeaza mai putina compresie si este considerat, in general, a fi un sunet cu o calitate superioara.

In acest caz, va fi insa nevoie de un receptor DTS sau de un DVD player cu procesor DTS integrat. O alta caracteristica importanta este capacitatea de stocare a discurilor. Modelele merg de la DVD playere cu un singur disc, doua, trei, cinci sau sase discuri, pana la mega changere, in care pot fi stocate chiar si 301 DVD-uri. Daca DVD playerul va fi folosit pentru a asculta muzica ore in sir, ar trebui luata in calcul achizitionarea unui asemenea model. Modelele de cinci si sase discuri folosesc plattere carusel traditionale pentru a incarca DVD-uri si CD-uri, iar cele de trei discuri folosesc fie un carusel, fie un mecanism cu sertare.

Unele aparate electronice de acest tip disponibile pe piata au functii de luminozitate mai mica a ecranului si masurarea bit-rate-ului video. Playerele care dau posibilitatea reducerii luminozitatii sau stingerii afisajului de pe panoul frontal sunt de preferat, pentru ca LCD-urile luminoase sunt deranjante pe intuneric. Display-urile pentru bit-rate, care apar ori pe ecranul TV, ori pe panoul frontal al playerului, afiseaza valoarea compresiei MPEG-2 utilizata de la scena la scena. Valorile mari reprezinta un nivel ridicat al bit-rate-ului, iar cele mici se traduc printr-o compresie mai mare.Un articol de Adrian Barbulescu

Sursa: Romania Libera

Brazii de Craciun se comanda pe Net

Cu ocaia sarbatorilor de iarna, cei mai frumosi brazi de Craciun se pot comanda online. Este simplu!
Alegi bradul dorit, plasezi comanda si platesti online bradul, cu cardul.

Livrarea gratuita in Bucuresti. http://www.brazidecraciun.ro/

Cum ne alegem televizorul

Romanul, tot mai dependent de televizor, este supus in ultimii ani la o adevarata avalansa de oferte promotionale ale diverselor magazine. Acestea trebuie insa privite cu mare atentie atunci cand chiar ne-am decis sa facem o asemenea investitie, pentru ca televizorul, prin definitie, nu este un bun de consum, ci unul de folosinta indelungata.

De aceea, decizia de cumparare trebuie precedata de o analiza atenta a unei serii de caracteristici de calitate. In primul rand, trebuie tinut cont de firma producatoare. Majoritatea televizoarelor vandute "la promotie" sunt aparate asa-zis "facute pe vapor", adica produse de firme necunoscute si fara experienta in domeniul electronicii. Faptul ca pe televizor figureaza o marca precum Sony, Panasonic sau Philips ofera o garantie in plus ca televizorul respectiv va functiona mai mult decat perioada de garantie.

Diagonala, in functie de marimea camerei Una dintre caracteristicile care trebuie luate in calcul inainte de a va decide sa cumparati un televizor este dimensiunea diagonalei. Aceasta depinde, inevitabil, de marimea camerei in care va fi amplasat, fapt care va determina distanta de vizionare. In nici un caz nu se va alege pentru o sufragerie normala de bloc construit in perioada comunista un televizor cu o diagonala mare. Parerile specialistilor sunt impartite, insa in orice caz distanta de vizionare nu va fi mai mica decat dublul diagonalei.

Un alt aspect de care trebuie tinut cont este forma ecranului. Ecranul poate fi curbat sau plat. Cele cu ecran curbat, de generatie mai veche, sunt mai ieftine, dar nu ofera o calitate la fel de buna a imaginii. Cele mai bune sunt ecranele cu cristale lichide, dar acestea sunt si cele mai scumpe. De asemenea, o evaluare vizuala, chiar daca nu este stiintifica, nu strica niciodata inainte de cumpararea televizorului. Diferentele de imagine intre doua televizoare diferite pot fi observate si cu ochiul liber.

O caracteristica a ecranului este de a reflecta lumina, intr-o mai mica sau mai mare masura, in functie de tipul tubului. Vanzatorul trebuie chestionat in legatura cu comportamentul televizorului in conditii de lumina puternica, pentru a nu aparea surprize. Optiunea de cumparare mai este influentata de numarul de canale, posibilitatea redarii imaginii in format 16:9 (asemanator imaginii panoramice de la cinematograf), compatibilitatea cu sistemele PAL, SECAM, NTSC (acesta din urma utilizat pe continentul american), afisarea meniului pe ecran sau existenta teletextului. Mai poate interveni in decizia dumneavoastra si faptul daca sunetul televizorului este mono, bifonic, stereo sau dolby. Nu in ultimul rand, inainte de a cumpara un televizor trebuie sa tii cont daca vrei sa conectezi la acesta si alte aparate electronice: DVD player, Play Station, videoplayer, calculator, combina muzicala. In acest caz, nu trebuie uitate cablurile de conectare. LCD sau plasma? Daca alegem sa cumparam un televizor cu ecran de generatie recenta, apare in mod firesc intrebarea: cu plasma sau cu cristale lichide?

Atat preturile mai mici, cat si testele de specialitate ni le recomanda pe acestea din urma. Potrivit specialistilor, televizoarele cu plasma pot suferi un efect de remanenta ireversibila, cauzat de imaginile statice. Practic, dupa perioade mai lungi de utilizare, pe fundal poate ramane o "imagine-fantoma". In ceea ce priveste ecranele cu LCD, este posibil sa se defecteze un pixel din multitudinea celor folosite de cristalele lichide. Televizoarele cu plasma clasice au o durata de viata de la 20.000 pana la 30.000 de ore, echivalent cu minimum doi ani si trei luni de utilizare incontinuu, pana cand luminozitatea se injumatateste. La randul lor, ecranele cu cristale lichide au o durata obisnuita de viata de 50.000-60.000 de ore (cinci ani de utilizare neintrerupta). Totusi, si televizoarele cu plasma au atuurile lor. Unul dintre acestea este rapiditatea cu care imaginea este transmisa pe ecran, lucru imposibil de egalat de LCD, care au fost concepute initial ca monitoare pentru computer.

Sursa: Romania Libera

Telefoanele mobile vor ajunge la 20 de dolari

Preturile telefoanelor mobile vor cunoaste o scadere importanta in urmatorii ani, ajungand la un nivel mediu de 20 de dolari in 2007, potrivit unor companii producatoare de semiconductoare, transmite Mediafax. Costurile telefoanelor mobile ar putea ajunge chiar la zece dolari, insa principalii producatori ezita sa utilizeze componente prea ieftine, de calitate inferioara.

"Reducerea calitatii nu este o alternativa, insa dotarea cu mai putine optiuni este o varianta viabila", a declarat Horst Pratsch, membru in conducerea producatorului german de semiconductoare Infineon. Cererea pentru telefoane mobile cu preturi reduse a crescut in acest an, in principal pe pietele in curs de dezvoltare.

Infineon, precum si alte companii din domeniu, precum Philips, incearca sa integreze toate functiile de baza ale telefoanelor mobile intr-un singur semiconductor al carui pret sa fie de circa cinci dolari. In luna iulie, grupul german a informat ca de la inceputul anului viitor va incepe sa comercializeze o platforma pentru telefoane mobile care va integra mai putin de 100 de componente, fata de 150 in prezent.

Costul de productie se va plasa in jurul a 20 de dolari, fata de 35 de dolari in prezent. De asemenea, Philips estimeaza ca incepand cu 2008 va putea oferi componente al caror pret va permite producatorilor de aparate sa practice preturi unitare sub 15 dolari. Potrivit specialistilor, aproape doua miliarde de persoane detin telefoane mobile.

Sursa: Curierul National

Cei mai buni 100 Dj's ai lumii

1 Tiësto
2 Paul van Dyk
3 Armin van Buuren
4 Sasha
5 Ferry Corsten
6 Hernan Cattaneo
7 Christopher Lawrence
8 John Digweed
9 Paul Oakenfold
10 Deep Dish
11 Carl Cox
12 Sander Kleinenberg
13 ATB
14 Judge Jules
15 James Zabiela
16 Marco
17 Roger Sanchez
18 Benny Benassi [Highest New Entry]
19 Tall Paul
20 Danny Howells
21 Steve Lawler
22 Erick Morillo
23 Chris Liebing [Highest climber]
24 DJ Dan [Re-entry]
25 Eddie Halliwell
26 Andy C
27 Mauro Picotto
28 Johan Gielen
29 Lady Dana
30 Lisa Lashes
31 Adam Freeland
32 Markus Schulz [New entry]
33 Yoji Biomehanika
34 Sven Vath
35 Bad Boy Bill
36 James Holden
37 Dave Clarke
38 Blank & Jones
39 Above & Beyond [New entry]
40 Danny Tenaglia
41 Gabriel & Dresden
42 Marco Carola
43 Nick Warren
44 Richie Hawtin
45 Laurent Garnier
46 Pete Tong
47 Jeff Mills
48 Satoshi Tomiie
49 Misstress Barbara
50 Adam Beyer
51 Fatboy Slim
52 John 00 Fleming
53 Plump DJs
54 David Morales
55 Umek
56 Lee Burridge
57 Dave Seaman
58 Fergie
59 Matt Hardwick
60 Slacker [New entry]
61 DJ Luna [New entry]
62 M.I.K.E.(Push)
63 DJ Rush
64 Max Graham
65 Michel De Hey [New entry]
66 Victor Calderone [New entry]
67 2 Many DJs
68 Hercio [New entry]
69 Kai Tracid [New entry]
70 Junior Jack [New entry]
71 Flash Brothers [New entry]
72 Aphrodite [New entry]
73 Felix Da Housecat
74 Tidy Boys
75 BK
76 Miss Kittin [New entry]
77 Benjamin Bates [New entry]
78 Dave Pearce [Re-entry]
79 Anne Savage
80 DJ Vibe [New entry]
81 Cosmic Gate
82 Derrick Carter
83 Ronski Speed [New entry]
84 Armand Van Helden [Re-entry]
85 Chris Fortier [Re-entry]
86 Remy [New entry]
87 Seb Fontaine
88 Nic Fanciulli [New entry]
89 James Lavelle
90 Proteus [New entry]
91 Rank [New entry]
92 BT
93 DJ Shadow [New entry]
94 Zinc [Re-entry]
95 Lisa Pin-Up
96 Marco Bailey [New entry]
97 Darude [New entry]
98 Andy Farley
99 Ronald van Gelderen [New entry]
100 Mark Farina

Most Valuable Brands 2005

July 22, 2005 - 11:23 Business

In the new special report, BusinessWeek and Interbrand rank the companies that best built their images - and made them stick in 2005. The names that gained the most in value focus ruthlessly on every detail of their brands, honing simple, cohesive identities that are consistent in every product, in every market around the world, and in every contact with consumers. (In the ranking, which is compiled in partnership with brand consultancy Interbrand Corp., a dollar value is calculated for each brand using publicly available data, projected profits, and variables such as market leadership.)

The brands that rose to the top of our ranking, says BW article, all had widely varied marketing arsenals and were able to unleash different campaigns for different consumers in varied media almost simultaneously. They wove messages over multiple media channels and blurred the lines between ads and entertainment. As a result, these brands can be found in a host of new venues: the Web, live events, cell phones, and handheld computers.

The era of building brands namely through mass media advertising is over. The predominant thinking of the world's most successful brand builders these days is not so much the old game of reach (how many consumers see my ad) and frequency (how often do they see it), but rather finding ways to get consumers to invite brands into their lives. The mass media won't disappear as a tool. But smart companies see the game today as making bold statements in design and wooing consumers by integrating messages so closely into entertainment that the two are all but indistinguishable.

Top 10 Global Brands by Value in 2005 ($m)

  1. Coca Cola - 67,525
  2. Microsoft - 59,941
  3. IBM - 53,376
  4. GE - 46,996
  5. Intel - 35,588
  6. Nokia - 26,452
  7. Disney - 26,441
  8. McDonald's- 26,014
  9. Toyota - 24,837
  10. Marlboro - 21,189

Top 5 Gainers

  1. eBay - +21%
  2. HSBC - +20%
  3. Samsung - +19%
  4. Apple - +16%
  5. UBS - +16%

Top 5 Loosers

  1. Sony - -16%
  2. Morgan Stanley - -15%
  3. Volkswagen - -12%
  4. Levi's - -11%
  5. Hewlett Packard - -10%

See full Top 100 Best Global Brands by Value for 2005 (PDF, 82KB)

Monitoring Traffic Rankings

July 22, 2005 - 11:43 Romania| Tech

Statistici.ro, second romanian traffic monitoring site in romanian web, seems to join forces with the first player in the market, netBridge Investments's owned trafic.ro.

Well, joining forces is a sort of saying since the old statistici.ro is still up and running while the new one is running on a new web address, http://new.statistici.ro.

The new statisici.ro, more to say, is getting the different satistics and rankings than the original trafic.ro, and finally, instead of having a unified ranking system, we now have three different ones. The mails coming from the new.statistici.ro administrators are not making any refferences to future plans regarding statistics and rankings, there only some thanks addressed to previous developer of statistici.ro, Realmedia Timisoara.

The design of the new site, is identical with trafic.ro website (even though way more uglyer color scheme), and there nothing mentioned on the way trafic is checked, as statistics were kind of different between the two.

Top 100 Best Products of 2005

September 30, 2005 - 19:06 Tech

PC World Magazine, released (quite early I would say) the 100 Best Products of 2005. We're talking about IT of course. Actually the top is divided in 10 sections: PCs and Peripherals, Monitors and TVs, Office Software, Digital Photography, Security, Printing and Publishing, Storage and Backup, Mobile Tools, Web and Consumer Electronics.

Is interesting to notice that giants as Yahoo didn't make it in the top 100. It's true the most talked new Yahoo product (or upgraded) is supposed to come this autumn, and I'm talking about the new Yahoo!Mail here, and this is one of the reasons I say it's really early to call it the 2005 top. Also Microsoft has only one presence in the top with its Windows Media Player 10 on the 47th place. Dell is leading, in terms of number of presences, with 6 products among the top 100, followed by Apple with 5 products.

Here is the top 10:

  1. Mozilla Firefox - Web Browser
  2. Google Gmail - Web Mail
  3. Apple Mac OS X Version 10.4 (Tiger) - Operating System
  4. Belkin Wireless Pre-N Router and Notebook Network Card - Wireless Networking
  5. Dell Ultrasharp 2405FPW - 24-Inch Wide-Screen LCD
  6. Alienware Aurora 5500 - Performance PC
  7. Seagate USB 2.0 Pocket Drive - Portable Hard Drive
  8. Skype - VoIP Service
  9. Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT - Digital SLR Camera
  10. PalmOne Treo 650 - PDA Phone

and some extras:

16. Google - Search Engine
28. Mozilla Thunderbird - E-Mail Program
33. The New York Times on the Web - Web Site
51. Flickr.com - Photography Site
60. Wikipedia - Online Resource
88. Opera 8 - Web Browser

Read the full review article in the PC Magazine: The 100 Best Products of 2005

Top 10 Web Moments

In celebration of their 10th Year anniversary, the Webby Awards website takes a look back at 10 Web moments that changed the world. Here is the list:

  1. The Dotcom Boom and Bust (1995-2001) - Launched by Netscape's IPO, the Boom & Bust fast-tracked the Web
  2. The Drudge Report Breaks Lewinsky Scandal (1998) - Matt Drudge Scoops one of the decade's biggest stories
  3. Amazon's Jeff Bezos Named Time's Man of the Year (December 1999) -1999 Was A Watershed Year for Online Commerce
  4. Elections Worldwide (2004) - Howard Dean Revolutionizes Politics
  5. September 11th (2001) -Millions of Americans Turn to the Internet for Information About the Tragedies
  6. Asian Tsunami (2005) - Citizens Journalists Are the First on the Scene to Document the Tsunami
  7. Napster Shut Down (July 2001) - Court Ruling Spurs Innovation and New Business Models
  8. Live 8 on AOL (July 2005) - Internet Coverage Of Global Concert Bests Television's
  9. Match.com Booms (2002) - The Web Becomes the Primary Means for Making Connections
  10. SARS Virus Discovered Online (2003) - Web Plays Central Role in Research to Discover SARS Virus

Read full story here.

The World's Most Respected Companies 2005

As we're getting to the end of the year, the time is coming for various tops and classifications for the year that passed.

For the eighth year, the Financial Times (reg. required) has published its World's Most Respected Companies list. And for the first time, Microsoft garnered the number one position. Not only that - Bill Gates was named the World's Most Respected Business Leader, and was second on the Most Influential Business Writer of Management Guru list, losing only to management theorist Peter Drucker, who passed away earlier this month.

As FT wrote in its announcement:

The new economy has finally triumphed over the old. For seven successive years, General Electric has topped the table of the world's most respected companies. But for the first time it has been pipped to the post by Mircosoft, the software group.

The top ten comapnies, out of 50, named this year by the Financial Times, are:

  1. Microsoft
  2. General Electric
  3. Toyota
  4. Coca-Cola
  5. IBM
  6. Wal-Mart
  7. BP
  8. Procter & Gamble
  9. Apple Computer
  10. Siemens

BusinessWeek Gets Romanian Edition

The well respected BusinessWeek and Business Media Group (BMG), the publisher of some well known romanian business and lifestyle magazines, have announced their agreement to publish a Romanian language edition of BusinessWeek.

The first issue is scheduled for launch in February 2006. The Romanian edition will be published weekly and will be available on newsstands and via subscription. Editorial content will consist of selected material from the North American and international editions of BusinessWeek and original editorial by BMG's journalists.

"BusinessWeek has had an established relationship with BMG for several years. We have witnessed its rapid and successful expansion as well as its journalistic integrity," said Gary Hopkins, senior vice-president of operations for BusinessWeek.

joi, decembrie 08, 2005

What Exactly is a Marketing Plan ?

By Roy H. Williams

A business plan projects business volume, the costs of doing business, cash flow needs and possible expansion needs for additional staff and square footage. The purpose of a business plan is to provide you with realistic projections and their accompanying budgets to serve as milestones and touch points, letting you know how your business is doing day to day, week to week, month to month and year to year.

If you have an intelligent business plan and are constantly aware of how your business is performing compared to your plan, your banker will love you. Consequently, you'll find it much easier to borrow the money you need. Sadly, many entrepreneurs manage their businesses by the seat of the pants. Can you really blame a banker who won't buy into a business owner's enthusiasm and good intentions when that business owner can't explain mathematically what he or she hopes to make happen? It was the Cheshire Cat of Alice in Wonderland who said, "When you don't know where you're going, any road will get you there." A business plan is merely a financial roadmap that lets you plan the journey of your business over time.

Your marketing plan, on the other hand, tells you how you plan to attract customers. But businesses with a five-year business plan will often have only a 30-day marketing plan. This is probably because banks don't ever ask to see your marketing plan. But a marketing plan is required if you want your business to become a household name.

The creation of a marketing plan begins with two pieces of information and one question. The first piece of information required is the annual ad budget. How much can we afford to invest in advertising, even if it doesn't immediately seem to be working? The second piece of information required is your brand essence. "Why would anyone choose to do business with us? What unmet need do we fill? What is our message to the customer?" The remaining question to be answered, then, is this: "What is the highest and best use of our ad dollars?"

Tragically, most advertisers think, "I'll just experiment until something starts working, and then I'll just keep doing that until it quits working." This is why most business owners wander the desert of frustration thinking, "Advertising is a rip-off."

The simple truth is that the type of ad that pays off immediately will work less and less well the longer you keep running it. And the ad that will make customers think of you immediately when they need what you sell (true branding) usually doesn't begin showing any encouraging results for at least 13 weeks. These are the ads that will work better and better the longer you keep running them. But most advertisers will cancel these ads after only eight or nine weeks.

The thing to remember when developing your marketing plan is that you're not looking for what works. Every type of advertising "works" to one degree or another. What you're looking for is the best long-term use of your ad budget. Then you have to develop an advertising message within your marketing plan. The questions you're trying to answer are these: "What do we need to say to the customer and how often do we need to say it? And which media will give us the most efficient long-term access to the same customers over and over?" Your goal is to reach the largest number of people with the greatest amount of repetition that your budget will allow.

So plan your marketing and stick to your plan. It's the secret to making your business plan work.

miercuri, decembrie 07, 2005

Cosmote: abonamentele încep de la 3 euro, sase luni gratuit

Nici abonamentele Cosmote nu sunt chiar de lepadat: cel mai eiftin este de 3 euro pe luna si include 10 minute nationale. La abonamentul de 5 euro pe luna sunt incluse 30 de minute nationale. Taxarea se face la fel indiferent de reteaua in care sunati. La abonamentul de 3 euro, minutul de apel costa 15 eurocenti, la cel de 5 euro 14 eurocenti, la cel 9 euro (cu 60 de minute nationale) costa numai 13 eurocenti si asa mai departe.

Pentru perioada promotionala, la orice abonament sunt 6 luni gratuite, dar nu consecutive. Un mesaj SMS costa numai 5 eurocenti. Se pot cumpara extraoptiuni cu SMS: 1 euro pentru 30 de mesaje, 1,8 euro pentru 60 de mesaje sau 2,5 euro pentru 90 de mesaje.
La un abonament de 53 de euro pe luna, sunt incluse 480 de minute, iar depasirea costa 10 centi pe minut in orice retea.
Atentie! Preturile nu includ TVA.

Comenteaza ofertele pe Forum >>

ProTV are un nou site

Postul de televiziune ProTV si-a lansat o noua versiune a site-ului de Internet cu ocazia serbarii a 10 ani de la prima emisie. Noul site se vrea a fi modern, imbinand “valorile de brand” caracteristice ProTV: dinamism, simplitate, performanta. Arata un pic mai bine, dar deloc profesionist.
Site-ul este creat de TreeWorks (www.tree.ro), este primul site al unei televiziuni romanesti care ofera feed-uri RSS pentru programul zilei, filmele saptamanii si transmisiile cu caracter sportiv. Astfel, utilizatorii beneficiaza de o modalitate facila prin care pot obtine in timp real informatii de interes.

Intel a prezentat WiMax în România

Intel, împreună cu producătorul de cipuri Alvarion şi oficialii MCTI au prezentat ieri noua soluţie de acces la Internet wireless, WiMAX, o premieră în România. O maşină dotată cu tehnologie WiMAX a străbătut străzile Bucureştiului şi a transmis imagini în direct unei săli de conferinţe din centrul oraşului, dovedind astfel că accesul la Internet broadband la preţuri accesibile constituie o realitate.
WiMAX este tehnologia wireless a viitorului pentru că furnizează conexiuni de mare viteză la Internet pe distanţe mari. Tehnologia poate avea un număr mare de întrebuinţări, de la furnizarea de Internet în zone greu accesibile din punct de vedere geografic până la hotspot-uri, transport de tip backhaul pentru comunicaţiile de tip celular şi Internet de mare viteză pentru companii.
WiMax este spaima colosilor cu picioare de lut: telefonia VoIP mobila va afecta operatorii mobili, iar aplicatiile de tip IPTV vor lovi gigantii cablului.

marți, decembrie 06, 2005

Logan Break va fi 4×4

Versiunea break (K-90) a Daciei Logan pare sa fi fost abandonata in favoarea a ceva asemanator, dar in care producatorul are mai multa incredere. Este vorba despre monovolumul cu nume de cod R-90, care, in plus fata de un break, este mai inalt si poate avea pana la 7 scaune modulare. Versiunea de varf va fi denumita R-90 Aventure si va avea inclusiv tractiune integrala.

Revista „Automotive News”, care a publicat aceasta informatie, precizeaza ca solutia tehnica adoptata este 4wd, adica tractiune pe toate cele patru roti coordonata electronic.
Monovolumele sunt printre cele mai populare masini in Europa de Vest. Daca pana acum Logan era o masina de clasa medie care incerca sa le concureze prin pret pe cele de clasa mica, odata cu lansarea acestui model Dacia intra pe o piata pe care preturile depasesc 15.000 de euro. Deocamdata, pretul minim al Loganului in Occident este la jumatate.

Cosmote: 41 de euro pe cartela de 5 euro

Una dintre campaniile de promovare a noului operator Cosmote este extrem de agresiva pe pret: pina la Craciun, toti cei care cumpara o cartela prepaid a companiei de 5 euro vor avea credit de 41 de euro, utilizabil timp de 18 luni, au spus oficialii companiei.

Pe linga asta, orice reincarcare a cartelei vine cu bonus 20%, iar la a doua incarcare puteti opta pentru pachete mai mici, incepand de la 1 euro.
Despre oferta cu abonament si chiar despre telefoanele gratis oferite, vom povesti putin mai tarziu.

Bruce Willis Offers $1 Million for Osama Bin Laden

Bruce Willis has offered a $1 million reward for anybody who captures or provides information that leads to capturing Osama Bin Laden and his followers, Ayman Al Zawahiri and Abu Musab Al Zarqawi, the ones that are thought to have planed the September 11th attacks.The announcement was made while on the MSNBC television
show “Rita Cosby: Live and Direct”, where the actor also expressed his discontent with media coverage of the war in Iraq. Willis complained that the press reveals only one side of the war in Iraq, that is the bad one.“I am baffled to understand why the things that I saw happening in Iraq, really good things happening in Iraq, are not being reported on”, he said.Bruce Willis, who was born into a military family in a US army base in Germany, is amongst the few entertainers that publicly support the US military campaign in Iraq.“Children are being taken care of, starting being inoculated, starting being looked after. Wherever these guys go they get thumbs up. They no longer have to contend with the terrorist leader”, Willis stated.But he also admits that he met few Iraqis, because most of the time there he traveled by a helicopter.

Neogen cauta virusi pe PC-urile vizitatorilor

Neogen a incheiat un acord cu Kaspersky Lab pentru a oferi protectie antivirus vizitatorilor site-urilor sale.
Serviciul a fost integrat in noua pagina Neogen Antivirus si este disponibil utilizatorilor gratuit. Scannerul se bazeaza pe tehnologia Microsoft ActiveX si necesita Internet Explorer. Astfel, daca un utilizator suspecteaza ca i-a fost virusat calculatorul, il poate scana online si detecta codurile malitioase.

“Integrand tehnologia antivirus Kaspersky, Neogen ia masuri active pentru milioanele de persoane care viziteaza reteaua de site-uri, ajutandu-i sa se protejeze si asigurandu-le securitatea experientelor online.” a declarat Calin Fusu, General Manager Neogen SA. “Ne bucuram ca Neogen a selectat solutiile Kaspersky Lab pentru vizitatorii sai. Kaspersky este recunoscut pe plan international pentru calitatea solutiilor de securitate pe care le produce, iar parteneriatul cu Neogen ofera multe oportunitati viitoare de colaborare”, a declarat Iulian Ursu, Managing Director - Kaspersky Lab Romania.

Virusul anti-manele continua sa faca “victime”

Divizia de securitate a datelor BitDefender din cadrul companiei româneşti SOFTWIN a prezentat topul virusilor care au creat probleme calculatoarelor din România în lunile septembrie, octombrie şi noiembrie. Numărul semnăturilor de viruşi emise până în acest moment de BitDefender a ajuns la peste 230.000. În cele trei luni analizate au fost create peste 20.000 de noi versiuni de viruşi, BitDefender interceptând mai mult de 16 milioane de mailuri infectate.

Primul loc în top îl ocupă, cu peste 21.80% din totalul infectărilor, ZafiB, virusul care oferă cărţi electronice în limba destinatarului. Fiind o revenire a unui virus vechi, specialiştii consideră că poate fi doar o problemă temporară şi că influenţa sa în top va scădea treptat.

Nume virus Infectări
1. Win32.Zafi.B@mm 21.80%
2. Win32.Netsky.P@mm 11.26%
3. Win32.Worm.Mytob.BI 5.66%
4. Win32.Sober.AD@mm 4.69%
5. Win32.Antiman.A@mm 4.24%
6. Win32.Doombot.B@mm 3.43%
7. Win32.Lovgate.V@mm 3.07%
8. Win32.Antiman.Gen@mm 2.70%
9. Win32.Worm.Mytob.C 2.38%
10. Win32.Zafi.D@mm 2.27%

joi, decembrie 01, 2005

The new at&t logo

If you weren’t aware, SBC recently purchased AT&T, and along with the changes and improvements that they are making to the company, they have decided to do away with the 1984 logo that Saul Bass designed.
I’ll leave discussion of the aesthetics of the new mark for the comments section, but as discussion fodder I will share the rationale from the official press release:

The revitalized mark symbolizes these attributes — innovation, integrity, quality, reliability and unsurpassed customer care,” Whitacre added. “Our customers know that we’re focused on keeping our promises, committed to operating honestly, and dedicated to bringing them new products that make a difference in their lives.”

The new logo reinvigorates the AT&T globe — one of the most recognized corporate symbols in the world. The new globe is three-dimensional, representing the expanding breadth and depth of services that the new AT&T family of companies provides to customers, as well as its global presence.

Transparency was added to the globe to represent clarity and vision. Lowercase type is now used for the “AT&T” characters because it projects a more welcoming and accessible image. The core of the new logo remains blue because both the SBC and AT&T brands are strongly associated with that color. The overall design more accurately represents the company that is leading the industry in delivering best-in-class services to consumers and business professionals.

Given that rationale, the question is: Does this new logo truly communicate those objectives? Discuss.

Connex nu reuseste sa ajunga la 6 milioane de clienti

Nici cu surlele si trambitele Vodafone, Connex nu reuseste sa ajunga la 6 milioane de clienti, suma pe care Orange a atins-o la jumatatea lui 2005. Numărul clienţilor Connex, detinuta acum de Vodafone, a crescut la 30 septembrie cu 27% faţă de aceeaşi perioadă a anului trecut, la 5,529 milioane de oameni.

Veniturile companiei au ajuns în al treilea trimestru la 219de milioane de euro milioane de euro, fata de Orange Romania cu 229 milioane de euro.
Se pare ca omul de afaceri George Copos, care detinea aproape un procent din actiunile Connex, le-a vandut recent inapoi companiei, incasand probabil cateva zeci de milioane de euro.

Google Base - scrie ce vrei

Ai ceva de spus si nu ai unde? Nu te pricepi sa iti faci un site? ti se pare pera complicat sa postezi un anunt? Atunci posteaza pe Google. In Serviciul Googe Base oricine poate scrie orice, iar informatiile vor fi stocate in serverele companiei americane.

Pot fi introduse stiri, articole, anunturi gratuite, profile si CV-uri, articole tehnice, romane, oferte de munca sau cereri de munca, dar si orice altceva va trece prin cap. Ce mai asteptati? Mergeti si vizitati site-ul:

Ai telefon Orange? Cont la BRD? Atunci poţi face plăţi online!

Cumpărăturile online se pot plăti - la noi în România - folosind telefonul mobil (asta daca ai abonament Orange si un cont la BRD - GSG. Inovaţia aparţine companiei GECAD ePayment, care face parte din grupul lui Radu Georgescu (GECAD, care a vandut tehnologia antivirus RAV la Microsoft).

Plati online

Cele două companii au lansat ieri un nou instrument de plată prin care pun la dispoziţia magazinelor web şi a cumpărătorilor pe Internet o soluţie care îmbină comerţul online şi serviciul de mobile banking (Mobilis). Astfel, orice utilizator care doreşte să achiziţioneze bunuri sau servicii dintr-un magazin virtual - evident înrolat în sistemul ePayment - poate plăti contravaloarea cumpărăturilor cu ajutorul telefonului mobil, prin intermediul serviciului de Mobile Banking Mobilis de la BRD.
Mai multe informaţii gasiţi pe site-ul BRD.

Firefox - 14% în România

Conform Trafic.ro, ponderea browser-elor folosite de vizitatorii site-urilor romanesti în luna octombrie 2005 , este urmatoarea:


Internet Explorer 6.x - 74%
Firefox 1.0 - 14%
Opera - 5%
Internet Explorer 5 - 3%
Mozilla - 3%
Internet Explorer 5.5 - 1%

IMDb Top 250 Movies List

In an effort to cut down the scrolling on this thing, I have opted to only list the movies that I have yet to watch. If you want to see the whole list, click on the link above in my list.

1. The Godfather (1972)
3. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)
4. The Godfather: Part II (1974)
5. Schindler's List (1993)
6. Shichinin no samurai (1954)
7. Casablanca (1942)
10. Buono, il brutto, il cattivo, Il (1966)
11. Pulp Fiction (1994)
14. Rear Window (1954)
15. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
16. Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964)
17. Citizen Kane (1941)
18. Cidade de Deus (2002)
19. The Usual Suspects (1995)
22. C'era una volta il West (1968)
23. Memento (2000)
24. North by Northwest (1959)
26. Goodfellas (1990)
27. Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
31. Sunset Blvd. (1950)
34. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
36. Vertigo (1958)
39. The Pianist (2002)
40. Taxi Driver (1976)
41. Paths of Glory (1950s)
42. Se7en (1995)
43. Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi (2001)
45. The Third Man (1949)
46. Léon (1994)
47. Boot, Das (1981)
48. Chinatown (1974)
53. L.A. Confidential (1997)
54. Double Indemnity (1944)
55. The Maltese Falcon (1941)
56. Untergang, Der (2004)
57. M (1931)
58. Crash (2004)
59. American History X (1998)
60. Some Like It Hot (1959)
62. Rashômon (1950)
63. Alien (1979)
64. All About Eve (1950)
65. Modern Times (1936)
68. Raging Bull (1980)
70. The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948)
72. Vita è bella, La (1997)
73. The Sting (1973)
74. The Manchurian Candidate (1962)
77. The Great Escape (1963)
78. Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003) Watched Nov. 27/05
79. Sin City (2005)
80. Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939)
81. Aliens (1986)
82. Metropolis (1927)
83. On the Waterfront (1954)
85. City Lights (1931)
87. The Apartment (1960)
88. Touch of Evil (1958)
89. Ran (1985)
90. Jaws (1975)
91. Strangers on a Train (1951)
93. The Great Dictator (1940)
95. Kill Bill: Vol. 2 (2004)
96. Sjunde inseglet, Det (1957)
97. High Noon (1952)
101. Rebecca (1940)
102. Nuovo cinema Paradiso (1989)
104. Annie Hall (1977)
106. Mononoke-hime (1997)
107. Oldboy (2003)
108. Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
109. Wo hu cang long (2000)
110. Batman Begins (2005)
111. Notorious (1946)
112. The Big Sleep (1946)
115. The General (1927)
116. Once Upon a Time in America (1984)
117. Yojimbo (1961)
119. The Best Years of Our Lives (1946)
120. Ladri di biciclette (1948)
122. It Happened One Night (1934)
123. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969)
124. Cool Hand Luke (1967)
125. Before Sunset (2004)
126. Unforgiven (1992)
128. Duck Soup (1933)
129. The Deer Hunter (1978)
130. Lola rennt (1998)
131. Patton (1970)
134. Smultronstället (1957)
136. Ben-Hur (1959)
138. Amores perros (2000)
139. Ying xiong (2002)
141. The Philadelphia Story (1940)
143. Glory (1989)
144. Life of Brian (1979)
145. The Gold Rush (1925)
146. Stalag 17 (1953)
147. The African Queen (1951)
149. Manhattan (1979)
150. Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)
151. Bringing Up Baby (1938)
152. The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938)
153. The Killing (1956)
154. Gladiator (2000)
155. The Wild Bunch (1969)
156. Die Hard (1988)
157. Gone with the Wind (1939)
158. Mystic River (2003)
159. The Grapes of Wrath (1940)
161. The Searchers (1956)
162. Witness for the Prosecution (1957)
164. The Hustler (1961)
165. Hable con ella (2003)
166. All Quiet on the Western Front (1930)
167. The Straight Story (1999)
168. Harvey (1950)
169. Young Frankenstein (1974)
170. Roman Holiday (1953)
171. The Conversation (1974)
172. Per qualche dollaro in più (1965)
173. Festen (1998)
174. His Girl Friday (1940)
175. Magnolia (1999)
177. The Night of the Hunter (1955)
178. Shadow of a Doubt (1943)
179. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962)
180. Mar adentro (2004/I)
182. Ed Wood (1994)
183. Quatre cents coups, Les (1959)
184. Spartacus (1960)
186. Groundhog Day (1993)
187. Charade (1963)
190. Hotaru no haka (1988)
191. Sideways (2004)
192. Twelve Monkeys (1995)
193. Sling Blade (1996)
194. Dog Day Afternoon (1975)
195. Passion de Jeanne d'Arc, La (1928)
196. Brazil (1985)
197. Serenity (2005)
198. Ikiru (1952)
200. A Streetcar Named Desire (1951)
201. 8½ (1963)
202. All the President's Men (1976)
203. Bronenosets Potyomkin (1925)
205. Trois couleurs: Rouge (1994)
206. Strada, La (1954)
207. Kind Hearts and Coronets (1949)
208. Grande illusion, La (1937)
209. The Exorcist (1973)
210. A Night at the Opera (1935)
212. Snatch. (2000)
214. Brief Encounter (1945)
215. Lost in Translation (2003)
216. The Insider (1999)
217. Laura (1944)
218. Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (1998)
219. Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens (1922)
220. Salaire de la peur, Le (1953)
221. Kumonosu jô (1957)
222. In America (2002)
223. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)
224. Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1966)
225. Heat (1995)
226. Network (1976)
231. Kabinett des Doktor Caligari, Das (1920)
232. 21 Grams (2003)
233. The Station Agent (2003)
234. Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005)
235. Barry Lyndon (1975)
236. Being There (1979)
237. Miller's Crossing (1990)
238. Scarface (1983)
239. Bride of Frankenstein (1935)
242. King Kong (1933)
243. The Lion in Winter (1968)
244. Bom yeoreum gaeul gyeoul geurigo bom (2003)
245. Judgment at Nuremberg (1961)
246. White Heat (1949)
247. Bonnie and Clyde (1967)
248. The Thing (1982)
249. Andrey Rublyov (1969)
250. Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans (1927)